
Radoslaw Kruczek - Founder and CEO

Mirjam is an amazing Spiritual Coach. I have been working with Mirjam for one year now and she has helped me to rebuild dimensions of my life that have been neglected the last years. As an entrepreneur and leader, I am very focused on business and I have a high level of pressure and responsibility. Through the regular coachings, I have gained more calmness, emotional well-being and I have reached a state where I feel very satisfied with all areas of my life.

Mirjam has brought attention to topics like love, communication, dreams and relationships. The business environment and adult life pushes away these dimensions of life, yet they are necessary and important. She also taught me new skills. I grew my level of emotional intelligence, my communication skills and developed listening skills further which helps me both in my work with my team and in private. She is teaching me meditation, breathing techniques and visualization, which is highly benificial for me.

Mirjam has a great vibe and a different energy that takes me out from my usual business and driven thinking. Her presence is calming, she is a great listener and does not cut you off. She is very professional and smart, always prepared to give me new perspectives and to teach me new skills. She is not following a template, but prepares and responds individually to me. She is great at catching emotions and to respond perfectly. From the beginning, she knew in which areas I have potential to grow and accordingly she was guiding me and teaching me new skills. Mirjam is coaching me for the last 12 months and I am planning to keep working with her on a long-term basis. It is hard to find such great work and a person with such high level of awareness and incredible presence out there. I totally recommend you to work with Mirjam

William Takacs - Instructional Designer & Training Development Manager

Mirjam Kamal helped me overcome a challenge I experience with starting something new. I often feel more successful and able to continue practicing new skills when I receive coaching and professional guidance. Mirjam’s expertise and compassion for the human soul were absolutely what I was looking for and needed. She provided a safe spiritual space for me to feel comfortable as I learned how to experience meditation with mindfulness. I now have a pattern I can practice and use at any time for mu personal or professional benefit. She designed a short meditation for my needs in a busy working world. She listened and shared two different meditation experiences which support relaxation and a path towards serenity for the variety of ways stress and anxiety affect my quality of life and wear me down. I now have two ways I can practice meditation to become more aware of my emotional peace, and return to a source of serenity and joy that is always available to me. I recommend Mirjam Kamal for any professional or personal spiritual coaching, she will empower you exactly where you are, and share a path forward in your meditation journey. I hope you are able to schedule time with Mirjam to see and experience the benefits yourself when you add coaching to your meditation experience and practice. Thank you again Mijam for the empowerment and encouragement to my life now that I feel more confident using the meditation techniques and patterns I learned during my sessions with you.

John Clarke - Entrepreneur

Dear Mirjam,

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible impact you have had on my life recently. As you know, I had been struggling with back pain for a few months back in 2022, and despite trying various treatments and therapies, nothing seemed to work.

But then, I found you, and everything changed. Through your guidance and unwavering support, I was able to tap into a deeper level of self-awareness and spirituality that I never knew existed. Your unique approach to self-help and combination of meditation practices, truly helped me.

I still remember the day I started to work with you, and how much of a difference it made. Through just one session, you helped me release years of pent-up emotional and physical pain, and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. From that day on, I felt a renewed sense of energy and vitality that I hadn’t experienced in years.

Your compassionate and empathetic approach has been a true blessing, and I can’t thank you enough. Your unwavering commitment to helping others heal is a true testament to your incredible character and integrity.

I would wholeheartedly recommend you to anyone who is seeking guidance and support on their spiritual journey. You are an inspiration and a true gift to this world, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with you.

Thank you for everything you do, and may your light continue to shine brightly for many years to come.

John Remi Clarke

Paulina K. - Lawyer and Mother of Two

Three months of meetings with Mirjam as part of her „Clarity on my path“ program is the best gift I could give myself. Prior to our sessions, I felt lost and unsure of what I wanted my life to be like. I could not fully understand my needs and emotions, and I lacked self-confidence and self-esteem. Conversations with Mirjam made me live with more courage. I also stopped judging myself critically at every step, which opened me up to new experiences. I understood myself better, I have more understanding and acceptance for myself. It was an incredibly inspiring, mind-opening experience and I recommend it to anyone who would like to get tools that will allow them to develop themselves and get to know themselves better.

Tiago Olim - Facilitator, Host, Experience Designer

Mirjam is a unique coach who helped me significantly in developing self-discipline and health routine habits. Her coaching style is both supportive and challenging in a good way. She understands the importance of self-discipline in achieving success and provided me with practical tools and strategies that helped me stay focused and motivated.

Together we created an action plan that allowed me to stay on track and make progress towards my goalsMeditation and mindfulness are key tools in Mirjam’s couching process. She has a deep understanding of the psychology behind self-discipline and habits.
She is an excellent listener and communicator, and her coaching sessions were always insightful and thought-provoking.

Ahmad Jomaa - Old Soul, Survived War

I have known Miriam for over five years now.  And when I got to know her, I was totally lost and I didn’t know what I wanted to achieve in life.  Over time and besides always being by my side as a good friend, she has always been an inspiring person to me.  Mirjam has a different view on the world and her techniques brought me closer to myself.  In this way, I learned how to just sit down and achieve many goals.  Because of her great coaching, I am still on the road of following my dreams. I would describe it as a combination of spiritual and practical coaching that matches the busy western lifestyle. You can use this daily to get closer to yourself which enables you to achieve your biggest dream. I think Mirjam is so unique due to her growing up with multiple cultures, a combination of German, Arab and Asian. That’s what makes her so diverse. No doubt about her academic and knowledge background and finally her experiences in life. I am still grateful to know her. All what you can do is open up and be honest with yourself and leave the rest to her. She always told me: “Change begin with you”! This experience will really change your life! I highly highly recommend you to work with Mirjam!

Julia M. - Specialist for warehous logistics at Mercedes-Benz

I turned to Mirjam because I felt I was blocked in making an important decision. I needed clarity and support to understand how to make my decision. I was shown ways to figure out for myself what I wanted and where I wanted to go. Everything I wanted actually became clearer and clearer with the exercises we did. I learned to question myself more, but also to come up with specific questions about what I actually want.The cooperation with Mirjam was very professional, she really takes her time and adapts to the situation, if you still want to work on other things, she really responds to you individually.

It was a very familiar relationship at all times and I felt very comfortable and safe doing the coaching sessions with her.
I now know how to question myself and also how to come to a solution.

I recommend you to work with Mirjam if you need more clarity in your life.



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